On Friday I was meant to be changing rooms within the hostel so I was semi-packed and ready to go, but when I got to reception I was informed that I didn't need to move after all. What a start to the day!
Anyway, I went over to IEP and then on to Kelly Tarlton's Aquarium. I had a 20% discount and there's a free shuttle bus there, so at least I didn't have to pay all of the extortionate entrance fee. I didn't know what to expect from it, but it wasn't too great once you got inside. The aquarium only had about three main tanks and didn't even take an hour to go round. The big selling point was a tunnel through one of the tanks which you could walk through, but it proved to be fairly tame and uninteresting. It was such a contrast between it and the far cheaper and better Auckland Museum.
In the evening I met up with Jesse, Matt and Jennifer, and we went out to the bars and clubs down in the Viaduct area in Auckland Harbour. We were out until 5, so it was a tiring night to say the least!
Consequently, today was a bit of a lazy day. I met up with Jennifer for lunch and then we went to see the rugby NPC final in the evening on a trip that the hostel had organised. It was the last game of the season between Auckland and Otago, but the stadium wasn't sold out and the tickets were only $25 including transport. Auckland won quite convincingly to the delight of much of the crowd and it was an entertaining game, even if it did rain a little to begin with.
Over the next few days I'll be winding up my stay in Auckland, with an easy day tomorrow and packing to do on Monday, ready for my morning departure on Tuesday.