Today all I did was to prepare for going to Heron Island tomorrow. This morning I went down to Work and Travel to check my email and the woman from the resort had sent me a load of information and forms to read through, which I did. You can find out about Heron Island at their website.
So I went and bought a pair of steel-toe-capped work boots, a new pair of jeans (my old ones fell apart in New Zealand) and three shirts. Being an exclusive resort, you've got to dress 'smart casual' a lot of the time when you're not working, so I've replaced a few older T-shirts that are wearing out with these new smarter ones.
So this might be the last time you hear from me for a while. There's no mobile phone coverage on the island and only one computer for 135 staff! I should be able to access the Internet at Gladstone, the mainland town nearest to the island, maybe once every ten days or so.
Tomorrow I catch a flight from Sydney to Brisbane, then get a train from Brisbane to Gladstone in the afternoon, arriving at about 6.30pm. On Monday morning I'll catch the ferry to the island and I think I actually start work on Tuesday.