Saturday, June 24, 2006
Adventure Tours day four - on to Juno Farm
On the 27th, we set off south again down the Stuart Highway, covering much of the same ground we had seen on the Desert Venturer trip days before. Our first stop was at Mataranka, where we went for a swim in the thermal pools, before continuing on to Daly Waters for a barbecue lunch. Our next break after that was at a roadhouse where we got to handle a few snakes and lizards, including a bearded dragon which was quite cool in both senses of the word (they're cold-blooded). Our overnight stay was at Juno horse farm, where Adventure Tours have another private permanent campsite. We slept in 'swags' that night, which are basically canvas sleeping bags with a mattress sewn into them. You sleep under the stars, inside your sleeping bag and swag, hoping not to wake up with a dangerous animal crawling all over you!