Saturday saw us travelling to Rotorua, a town situated by a lake of the same name. On the way into town, we stopped at a place that does zorbing, that is to say flinging people down a hill in large inflatable balls. I didn't do it personally since it didn't seem great value for money, but it was fun to watch at least.
Rotorua itself stinks. Literally. Because of the tectonic activity, there's a smell of sulphur - like rotten eggs - hanging in the air everywhere you go. You get used to it after a while, but I don't think I could stand living there.
We only had a couple of hours in the town, so most of us went to the Polynesian Spas which are styled as a Roman bath. There are hot pools there heated geothermally to about 40 degrees C, so you could sit and bake slowly, overlooking Lake Rotorua. A nice end to a good, if somewhat foul-smelling day.