Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Flying Kiwi day nineteen - Haast Pass

On the Saturday (12th), we left Lake Hawea and travelled on to Haast Pass, the lowest point through the Southern Alps, the mountain range that spans almost all of the South Island. The weather was overcast and hardly inspiring, but the scenery was nonetheless spectacular.

When we got to the top of the Pass, Lisa let us get off and cycle down the other side for about 10km. It was by no means as easy as the Milford Sound cycle, but the steep and winding road at the end was excellent and I arrived at the same time as the bus, which demonstrates either how quick I was or how slow the bus had to go!

After a walk to the Blue Pools, we continued on to Okuru for the night, where we had a BBQ dinner before the rain started to fall again; typical for the West Coast.