Sunday, June 18, 2006

Cairns Dive Centre trip day three

It was another early start on the 19th with our first dive of the day at 06:30. Frank and I went down to 18m at a bommie (that's a collection of coral) at the rear of the boat, but light and visibility wasn't ideal so I couldn't take many photos. After breakfast, we did a combined boat and fish identification speciality dive, whereby we were dropped off by a small boat to a bommie, rolling backwards into the water off the side of the hull.

I got a fair number of decent photos this time around, catching all sorts of fish. Photography is completely different underwater and it's like learning it from scratch. There are so many new issues with light, colour and being quick enough that it makes getting a good photo very tricky.

My final dive of the trip was at 11am that day and I chose to have it guided to make the most of it. Benny showed us plenty of wildlife, from giant clams and sea stars to pufferfish and angelfish. It was a great end to an excellent trip.

After lunch we moved back to the East Timor site and a number of us left the Kangaroo Explorer for Cairns. We got the Sunlover cruise back and arrived in town at about 6pm. By sheer chance, I met up with two people who I already knew at the hostel I was staying in, so we went to the Woolshed (a bar), where I also met at least five other people who I also had been travelling with on Oz Experience. It's always nice to bump into people like that and catch up on journeys past.